Monday, November 16, 2015
If I were hired by the Baruch College to use new media to improve the College, I would suggest Baruch to replace its means of communication between professors and students from BlackBoard and Baruchmail to G-mail and Hangouts. Although BlackBoard has been doing a relatively satisfying jobs over the years, many students have been complaining about its less user-friendly interface compared to other newer tools.With G-mail, students can send and forward emails to others without having to worry about doing so would mess with the configuration of the email setting.The new app called Hangouts is an interesting and interactive way of communication that has truly revolutionized the traditional way of communications between professor and students. It has the powerful function that allows students to participate in online sessions by simply clicking on the link provided by the professor. In doing this, the difference between a actual class and online class has tremendously minimized, since students are allowed to voice their opinions in a timely manner.
Friday, November 13, 2015
Privacy & Confidentiality
New media has many benefits to society in so many great ways but has also greatly challenged peoples’ privacy. Privacy and confidentiality are the biggest concerns regarding the use of new media. With the increasing popularity of social networks, much more user information will be at the hands of different organizations. Before signing up as a member, these website usually require user to provide their names, phone number, address, and so on. With these information available, any organization can track down a user with ease, which can put users at risk for privacy loss and danger. Confidentiality becomes an issue because just by using a credit card at a store someone can hack into the system database and steal a customer’s personal information. Today people have to be cautious to what they post online because if something goes viral, virtually the whole world can view it. This can be detrimental to someone’s reputation.
Monday, November 2, 2015
Creativity and New Media
I created an avatar in Second Life. In this virtual world, I am able to communicate with and meet other peoples. Aside from that I am able to experience exciting things like travel in numerous places and fly over beautiful scenes. Users can also shine themselves by dressing up.This game allows users to have a second life where users can accomplish so much more than they already have in real life, which I think can in turn encourage them to try new things and go as many places as possible while they still can.

New media fosters creativity by allowing users to share ideas with one another in a timely manner. Its role in fostering creativity manifests in encouraging new ideas and collect as many as collective efforts from participants in order to perfect old ideas. In turn, companies can collect ideas to improve their
products and services.
In his article “ Twitter Serves Up Ideas From Its Followers”, Miller explains how technology companies have been the most active in relying on others to innovate for them. People’s ideas are the source of innovation for such companies. By collecting ideas on the internet, companies can benefit from it and deliver more user-friendly products/services to the general public who gives feedback to developers. And unless we keep the process of giving feedback and improvement going, there is no new media at all.
In his article “ Twitter Serves Up Ideas From Its Followers”, Miller explains how technology companies have been the most active in relying on others to innovate for them. People’s ideas are the source of innovation for such companies. By collecting ideas on the internet, companies can benefit from it and deliver more user-friendly products/services to the general public who gives feedback to developers. And unless we keep the process of giving feedback and improvement going, there is no new media at all.
Sunday, October 25, 2015
Modeling Reality with Virtual Worlds
Virtual world is a simulated environment powered by internet where an avatar is created to represent the user. Its applications includes gaming and virtual learning. In the virtual world, people can communicate with others and explore different roles.
Virtual world allows users to socialize with other people who shares a common interest as well as to allow people to express their imagination. According to the article "After Second Life, Can Virtual Worlds Get a Reboot?" Minecraft is a virtual world that allows kids to exercise their imagination and to connect with others who also want to build and create things. It allows people to explore their creativity and share it with others. However, virtual worlds may take more of users's time that would have been used for other productive activities. Other concerns are the possibility of money laundering and children's well-beings in online worlds (The Washington Post).
Virtual worlds help foster creativity by encouraging users to explore. According to the article "Avatar II: The Hospital" Dozens of hospital, medical schools and health foundations have stake out space in the online community Second Life, where participants can build their own virtual clinics and stage just about any training drill. With the creativity of virtual clinical, Nurses and doctors can explore different scenarios that they may face in real life.
As of today, we have seen increasing use of virtual learning websites that help medical students to apply their knowledge to examine the assigned virtual patients. More variations of its application will just be derived from the demanding needs in different aspects of life.
Virtual world allows users to socialize with other people who shares a common interest as well as to allow people to express their imagination. According to the article "After Second Life, Can Virtual Worlds Get a Reboot?" Minecraft is a virtual world that allows kids to exercise their imagination and to connect with others who also want to build and create things. It allows people to explore their creativity and share it with others. However, virtual worlds may take more of users's time that would have been used for other productive activities. Other concerns are the possibility of money laundering and children's well-beings in online worlds (The Washington Post).
Virtual worlds help foster creativity by encouraging users to explore. According to the article "Avatar II: The Hospital" Dozens of hospital, medical schools and health foundations have stake out space in the online community Second Life, where participants can build their own virtual clinics and stage just about any training drill. With the creativity of virtual clinical, Nurses and doctors can explore different scenarios that they may face in real life.
As of today, we have seen increasing use of virtual learning websites that help medical students to apply their knowledge to examine the assigned virtual patients. More variations of its application will just be derived from the demanding needs in different aspects of life.
Monday, October 19, 2015
Blog about Twitter
Twitter only allows simple discussions. And because it only allows up to 140 characters in a tweet, it has to be mainly relevant to the topic, otherwise, one has to post more than one tweet. However, it is more convenient in terms of getting notice about replies and updates of others than a blackboard discussion, in other words, it is more interactive and fun, because one can participate in a topic discussion by typing a # ahead his tweet, others can also leave comments to a specific person by typing a @ in front of a user name.
A blackboard discussion is similar to a twitter discussion except it has no character limits. It takes some amount of skills and time to navigate its less user-friendly interface. Compared to a twitter discussion, it encourage user to express idea without having to trim it down to 140 characters and in a detailed manner. One major disadvantage is that users do not get notices about others' comments on their posts such that it is much less interactive.
There is nothing comparable to an in-class discussion in that it is more interactive than any other social networking sites. In-class discussions do create the most natural and engaging environment because it requires the most attention. Discussing about a controversial topic in-class vs. online will always differ. In-class discussion provides a more intimate environment.
Thursday, October 15, 2015
Social Networking Sites
I created my Facebook account back in 2008. I am using it more often than I used to. I mainly use it to stay connected with friends and entertain myself with interesting videos. Facebook is a social networking site that allows you to posts statuses, post your location, and post pictures. You can privately message people or publicly post on their wall. You can also tag people in pictures and videos.
I signed up for an twitter account just two days ago solely for the purpose of this class. Twitter is a social networking site that is faster paced than Facebook. It enables people to send and receive messages up to 140 characters. I feel it is harder to use because of the number of characters allowed. If you want to know trending topics from all around the world you can find hashtag and read what other people think about the topic. What I find very appealing is that you can actually communicate with celebrities.
I had stopped using Myspace for a long period of time. My impression about Myspace is that allows users to share interests in music and creativity by uploading music and customizing your page with html coding. It is more of a blog to share stories about yourself than to connect with friends.
I just found out there is a social networking site called Pinterest. By clicking here and there I kind of get an idea that Pinterest is a social networking site that allows you to pick topics you are interested in. It then generates picture icons based on your interests. You can also search things you are interested in, favorite them, and organize them into your own categories.
Monday, October 12, 2015
Social Networking
Social networking technology is a novel way for people to socialize with one another. Friends and families share their aspects of life using various kinds of technology. On the other hand, corporations use these social networking technologies to generate revenue by posting advertisments about the services they provide and promotional sales. Often, corporations reward users who complete surveys or polls so as to improve their products and services.
One of the benefits social networking technologies offers society is bridging job recruiters to potential applications. In his article Social Networking Technology Boosts Job Recruiting, Langfitt states that “social networking technology is absolutely the best thing to happen to recruiting ever.” Job recruiters are now using social network site such as Linkedin, Monster, indeed to find candidates that fit the profile. Recruiters nowadays do not have to read throught numerous resumes in order to find potential candidates. Typing keywords in the search engine leads recruiters to the resumes with the skillsets they are looking for. However, there is a dark side to social networking technologies. The loss of privacy is the most concerning disadvantage about social networking technology. Credit card and e-commerce companies often trade client information collected from social networking sites in order to target their products and services to them. Another safety concern is identity theft. Users are often face the threat of losing their identites to interested parties no matter how well protected the information is. Cyber bullying is another risk of social networking technology. In Young' s article They’re Back, and They’re Bad: Campus-Gossip Web Sites,” he states that “Students have more ways than ever to post anonymous attacks on classmates.” Back in the days, students were bullied at school, but with the emergence of social networking technology they get bullied even when they are offline and the damage could be more serious. In my opinion, social networking technologies are going to evolve to fit more people’s needs. Nowadays, more peoples are using Instagram and Twitter because they require less personal information making them less vulnerable to identity thefts.
Monday, October 5, 2015
Blog v Wiki
Blogs and Wikis both enable communication of information by a person or a group. Both blog and wiki are an example of new media. Blog and wiki provide a platform for feedback. Difference is, viewers can post comments on a blog post. Whereas, Wiki enables users to edit the page collaboratively.
According to Grill, “some analysts suggest that blogs are poised to be the next generation opinion/editorial page.” Blog are usually created by a single author who shares their opinion on a topic or subject. Whereas, wiki are created by multiple authors who are sharing their knowledge on a topic of the subject. In his article Wikipedia: No Longer the Wild West?, Sutter states that Wikipedia will assign editors to approve public edits for some of its entries, such that the information on the Wikipedia is becoming more reliable. Blogs are usually updated intermittently. But wikis are updated all hours in a day since multiple authors can edit the page. Moreover, Blogs are meant for one-to-many communications, Wikis on the other hand are intended for many-to-many communication.
The word convergence suggests providing a platform for people to share their knowledge and opinions with other people. In today’s networked world convergence plays an important role because people often can find an answer to a question by searching the topic through search engines. According to the article A Rorschach Cheat Sheet on Wikipedia?Rorschach pictures and common responses for each picture can be found on Wikipedia. Blogs can be used for collaboration between bloggers, where bloggers help each other to promote their blogs. Bloggers can collaborate by writing a post together by sharing their opinions on a topic. Just like how YouTubers collaborate with one another by showing up in other YouTubers' video.
A new use for the wiki is to collaborate with other social media. Wikipedia can collaborate with YouTube so as to display YouTube video on their pages.
According to Grill, “some analysts suggest that blogs are poised to be the next generation opinion/editorial page.” Blog are usually created by a single author who shares their opinion on a topic or subject. Whereas, wiki are created by multiple authors who are sharing their knowledge on a topic of the subject. In his article Wikipedia: No Longer the Wild West?, Sutter states that Wikipedia will assign editors to approve public edits for some of its entries, such that the information on the Wikipedia is becoming more reliable. Blogs are usually updated intermittently. But wikis are updated all hours in a day since multiple authors can edit the page. Moreover, Blogs are meant for one-to-many communications, Wikis on the other hand are intended for many-to-many communication.
The word convergence suggests providing a platform for people to share their knowledge and opinions with other people. In today’s networked world convergence plays an important role because people often can find an answer to a question by searching the topic through search engines. According to the article A Rorschach Cheat Sheet on Wikipedia?Rorschach pictures and common responses for each picture can be found on Wikipedia. Blogs can be used for collaboration between bloggers, where bloggers help each other to promote their blogs. Bloggers can collaborate by writing a post together by sharing their opinions on a topic. Just like how YouTubers collaborate with one another by showing up in other YouTubers' video.
A new use for the wiki is to collaborate with other social media. Wikipedia can collaborate with YouTube so as to display YouTube video on their pages.
Monday, September 14, 2015
Is Privacy Over ?
Privacy issues are primarily concerned about personal information, that is, information that is about a particular person. With the increasing popularity of social networking through internet-mediated platforms, users often face the dilemma where they have to give up some personal information in order to gain access to full functionality. What we should concern about when we come across situations like this is how well protected is the information we provide and who are the subsequent intersted parties. In this paper, we will assess the importance of online privacy from an individual point of view as well as from a broader perspective where we look at consequential impacts of privacy loss to society.
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